Welcome to my plant and flower journey! Creating a floral + nature-based legacy for my daughters, nurturing my soul and mental wellbeing through growing things, and cultivating a rosy life!
In August 2019, my beloved Gramps died suddenly. He left behind a powerful legacy of love, what Family really means, and a peach rose bush in a pot. I wanted to take a cutting from it, and grow another rose bush from it, but like a lot of millennials, I have the problem of not being able to keep a cactus alive, let alone grow an entirely new rose bush from scratch. LOL at the thought!
So I began this journey into flowers and plants. Into learning how to grow things. And I guess, I suppose, growing myself at the same time. Challenging myself to learn something new, to work with nature and my own natural connection to it. In our screen-based age it kind of feels a bit like a rebellion 😉
It’s also about what legacy I want to hand down to my young daughters, and for me that’s a love of nature, the great outdoors, and the amazing impact that nature and growing things has on our mental health and wellbeing.
Fun fact – in case you didn’t read the front page, my ancestors were gardeners at the palace of Versailles. In both sides of my family, my ancestors have been gardeners for generations, until it got to my mother’s generation. I guess part of my journey into plants and flowers is reclaiming that part of me – helping to guard and protect this beautiful history of flowers and plants we have been given
*for healing
*for health
*for mental wellbeing
I’m also a big believer in natural medicine and alternative cures. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to use flowers and plants in supporting my physical health as well as my mental health – my beautiful Nan, wife to my gramps who died last year, got breast cancer at age 40. That feels scarily close to me, so I will be exploring that in this site too.
But to begin with, it’s all about roses. That’s where this journey begins, let’s see where it goes!
Welcome to the journey! 🙂